Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Life Target Achieved ^_^

Although it's expensive, a shelter is one of main human this case, my needs. My brother is going to marry his girlfriend and it's an unwritten rule in my family that a house goes to the son, not daughter. In the other hand, I think it's the right time for me to be independent.

Buying a house isn't as simple as I thought, there are things need to seriously considered c.q. budget, social facilities, building quality, distance from the office etc. I've been searching for a house in several years, I attended property exhibitions and searched in the newspaper ads as well as strolling but found none.

Then I found this small house (36/105). I like its nice, calm, and secure environment; free from flood; relatively close to markets, schools, etc...and the most important thing is affordable.

One big move for me because buying a house means big cost, since I need to provide myself a transportation as well. I have to sacrifice my hobby to travel. Well, not that bad because I still can travel inside Java island at least for a whole year or max for the next 2 years.

I remembered once on my 30th birthday I wrote in here that I would explore Tana Toraja in the next 2 years and buy a house in the next 5 years. Last year (early December 2010) I've explored Tana Toraja/Rante Pao, a year earlier and in March 2011 I decided to buy a house.

Thank you, Lord.....for You made my dreams/target came true earlier than I thought I would.


Erlindo-Jasa said...

semoga rumah selalu membawa kesejukan dan membawa kedamaian senantiasa...JBU

mizstync said...

Semoga rumahnya membawa berkah jadi bisa terus travelling yaa :)
Btw, ini rumah di perumahan apa? kebetulan aq lg cari" rumah yg affordable :D

Dian Lentera said...

@ Love, care, sorry, etc: terima kasih, Jbu too ^_^
@ miztync: makasih....susah kalo hobbynya makan biaya ya hehehe. Ini perumahan di Surabaya Barat, kalo memang cari di daerah sana, entar aku info contact personnya :D

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