Monday, November 29, 2010

Foot Note: Maros - Makassar (again)

It was my third time visited Makassar and I never got bored! I think I felt in love with Makassar and its surroundings which full of beautiful natures.

The flight I took landed smoothly in Hassanudin international airport on 8.35 am. I intensionally took the earliest flight so I could spend my time maximally. That day my friend and I planned to explore Maros (Bantimurung waterfall and Leang-Leang) until day time then returned to Makassar until late at night, then we would continue our trip to Tana Toraja.

After landed, I directly stepped to KFC counter. I was so starving. By the time I finished my breakfast, my friend picked me up at the airport. We rented a Toyota Avansa+driver (450,000/day incld. Driver+fuel) based on my friend who worked as Reuter's photographer.

Bantimurung Waterfall

We directly headed to Maros. Bantimurung waterfall was our first destination. I've visited this spot before ( This time Bantimurung waterfall looked furious, strong stream. The water color was no longer green like my first visit a few months ago but brown for it brought muds.


Finally I could visit ancient men caves called Leang-Leang. I was really excited to visit this site, I felt like Indiana Jones. The word "leang" itself meant cave, so Leang-Leang means caves. There were 54 sites in Leang-Leang e.q. Leang Burung, Leang Pettae, Leang Pettakere, etc.

When we showed up on Leang-Leang gates, we found that it was locked. Then suddenly a man showed up to opened the gate for us. After paid IDR 5,000/person for retribution we walked through the path with a guide.

The view in here was remarkable! It was suprising to know that ancient people really smart in finding their shelter: lime hills covered with green forest. So beautiful!

The first cave we visited was Leang Pettae. We had to stepped on iron ladders and walked through locked gate to come inside the cave.

Our Guide pointed at hand palm and boar paintings on the cave ceiling. It was rather difficult to find the right angle to take the picture as it's slipery and the land I stood on was cracked.

Boar painting

Hand Palm Painting

Between those hand palms painting there was a hand palm with only 4 fingers. Our guide explained that it meant to show one's grief. So if one of their family member was passed away, they cut their own finger.

The second cave we visited was Leang Pettakere. There were also hand palm and boar paintings in this cave, but the specialty of this cave was fossiled kitchen trash (shells).

To avoid damage, the location was fenced

I was wondering how come these shells could be here as I know the nearest coast was about 60 kilometers from there. How could be there were lots of shells in front of the cave? Then our guide told me that there were 2 theories. First, that place was close to the sea. Second, ancient people were fishermen and they brought their catch to their cave.

After walked around, we walked back to the gate. Our guide invited us to visit the museum which had so many cave pictures, stones, ancient people tools and jewelry, giant shell, etc.

Leang Leang Museum

Then we left Leang-Leang. We chose different way. This time we took a route which leaded us to marble factory and Bosowa cement factory and finally headed to Poros Maros.

View ala Guilin - RRC in Maros

Tadius, our driver really familiar to this place. He even recommended some places to stop by just to satisfy our photography intension. Perhaps it was because he sometimes worked with Reuters photographer thus he knew great places to be framed. Once we passed a really exotic site: curved lime hills and river splited. Indeed Indonesia was beautiful!

Somba Opu Fortress

It was my second time visiting Somba Opu. There was a little difference in entry road headed to this fortress. On my first visit ( I took east way (turned left after crossed the bridge), but since there was restoration on this sites, we had to take west way (turn right after crossed the bridge). We passed civil houses before reached the fortress.

Traditional Harbour: Paotere

Adzan Maghrib was sounded when we entered Paotere traditional harbour. Sea aroma gasped into my scent when I walked out from the car. My friend and I intensionally wanted to frame golden moment for photography lover (sunset).

Unlike the beaches in Surabaya and Jakarta, Paotere was neat and clean. Pinishi boats were line up on my right. The water was so clear invited people to jump and swim on the coast line. It was really tempting, but unfortunately I had to bury it as I had to go to Tana Toraja that evening.


Sutaaraito said...

Nice view...

Dian Lentera said...

very much breath taking ^_^

Anonymous said...

hmmmm jadi kepingin ke Makassar...

Anonymous said...

Baru tahu ada Leang-leang :)

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